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PRIVATE SALES - Huahui Zhongyi Auction

Financial services

Financial services


Every snowflake is different; no two leaves are the same: similar, sure but not identical Every person has a distinct personality type and buying decision behavior, we’ll understand these key factors: age, personalities, schedule,HUAHUI Culture Experts Team to the market vision,through a global network of collectors and buyers in the form of one to one for client and buyer bidding scheme,we consult carefully with individual customers and work, we get to know and help you find the answers you need for this and at the same time configuration one-stop private exchange exhibition space,mortgage,pledge, sell cash solutions.

Whether you are selling artwork collectibles or jewelry, say it to be sold outside of the auction method the private negotiation service of HUAHUI Culture assist you in closing a negotiation faster We will contact the right buyers according to the type of goods to be sold,you should be able to quickly identify a deal with our adviser’s help and get the best offer.

Everyone is a collector: when you wish to acquire fine art, jewels or other valuable property,One of our knowledgeable specialists will be delighted to help with your enquiry and guide you through the entire process.

If you want to inquire about other collection categories or general information, please email to kf@huahuiauction.com to contact the customer service department.

If you need to contact HUAHUI Culture private consultation experts, please call: 13910280597